Friday, October 14, 2011

ONLY 3 LEFT! PART 1: Lisbon to Civitavecchia


We’re starting to hit some of the same ports again, so I started to hit the beach. I figured, for the most part, if I hadn’t seen the place I should do that, and then I’d hit the beach! Well, that proved to be a good plan, but it definitely had its hiccoughs. Once we hit the beautiful beach Praia da Rocha in Portimao, I layed out in the glorious sun and came back to the ship as a steamed lobster.

On the way to the beach:

With some Aloe vera and four days time, the burn has turned into a bit of a tan, which is good, because I would usually peal from a sunburn like that. (meaning I almost emptied a bottle of aloe vera!) Of course that changed my plan for a few days, and when we came back to Cadiz, I wondered around town in full on protective clothing (a t-shirt and long shorts vs. my usual tank and regular shorts). Our barbeque in Palma de Mallorca got rained out, which was very sad, so we did our deck show in the theatre instead. Cooler in temperature, but way less fun! While in Mallorca, I hit the shopping mall to get some wifi and got a good dose of Fbook, and sent some very important e-mails that needed sending.

Our next stop was Port de Mahon a port in Menorca, which is a little island off the coast of the bigger island of Mallorca, off the east coast of Spain. It had a charming little town, with winding shopping streets that led up to a big market square, right next to the port. We walked off the ship in a huge group, climbed a few stairs, and were in the center of the town Mão. Olga and I continued to walk around for a bit and then, (after purchasing some ice-cream and a postcard) headed back for the ship.
Spanish jamon:

Next came Ajjacio, Corsica. An unbelievably beautiful coast line surrounds the French island of Corsica, which I need to go back to in my life:

The French people, unlike Paris, are very friendly and the surroundings are gorgeous. The water is the clearest water I’ve seen in years and was a lovely temperature, I just jumped right in. The only drawback was that the beach we went to was literally fifteen feet from wall to water, and maybe, MAYBE, the length of one football field from rocky point to rocky wall. But I’m sure there are other beaches and that one certainly did the trick!
A side street:

We then hit Italy for the first time on the ship to the port of Livorno, and man, was it a great day! I left with most of the cast, and Juliana (who was our Jewelry manager), and Alix one of our receptionists. We were all headed to Florence for the day, but while I was on the train, I met a lovely young man from Pisa, who offered to show us around his town and take us the leaning tower. Of course I said yes, and Juliana and Alix came with me. We walked around as I chatted with Cesare, (pronounced Chess-are-eh) about his home and then we arrived at the stunning Leaning tower.
Juliana, Alix, myself, and Cesare:

We all took some photos, Cesare left off to a dentist appointment, and then the girls and I headed back to the station and on to Firenze (Florence). Arriving in Florence we were greeted by one of our receptionists that was on vacation (who lives in Italy) and it was really nice to see her. We walked around, and saw the Duomo and Baptistry, the Piazza della Signore, and while on the Ponte Veccio, I took a photo (for my mother) of me in the same place I sat 10 years earlier when I was visiting with my mother:

The orginal of me is sitting in her living room (hi mum!) Then we went for a beautiful Italian Pizza lunch, and the lovely Alessia bought it for us!
Jules & I at lunch:

She said, when she comes to our countries, we could buy her lunch. (so sweet!)
mmm pizza:

We “Romed” the streets a bit and then headed back to Livorno and the ship. A great day indeed!

The next day we were in Portofino, and I would love to be back there. A charming little Italian yacht town with high end shopping, what could be better? Have a million dollar yacht and a million dollars to spend in the shops of Hermes, Dior, Louis Vuitton, Armani, Zegna, Feragamo, and more! The crystal blue deep water harbour was a tender port, so looking back to the bay and seeing our ship in the middle of the sea surrounded by twenty thirty fifty foot yachts was quite a site!

and the yachts:

After Portofino, we sailed into Civittavecchia, the port city of Rome, and we there docked with The Silver Spirit! As we were in rehearsals with the Spirit, I came to love the cast like my own, so it was very exciting for me to see them all and to go on board the ship to see what it was like!
me with claire and Annie of the Spirit cast:

A much larger ship (but still fairly small comparatively) it houses 540 guests, unlike our 290 guests. With a few extra decks the theatre is actually smaller then ours, but has no tables for drinks, so it feels more like a theatre then a lounge. However their theatre is one deck, so you can touch the lights on the ceiling, where as ours is two, so its much more roomy and open. Their dressing rooms are much nicer though, but we have better accommodations. So, like with all things, you win some, you loose some. After giving Claire (one of the dancers on the Spirit) a tour of our ship I did a bit of Embarkation work and then went out to lunch with her and Annie (the female singer on the Spirit from California!) It was amazing just to spend some time with them and to see what they had been up to the past five months. I felt so sad to have to leave them after spending the day together, especially, since we were loosing quite a few of our favorite staff members on board; however, at 5.45, I heard the wonderful sweet voice of Judie our original cruise director (who had been on vacation) booming over the speakers, and it was all better. Oh how we missed her!

That concludes this trip. Please turn over to side B to hear about next cruise! (Hehe)

Lots of Love with two cruises to go,


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